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Address plate buy in Almaty
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Address plate

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1500 KZT
Kazakhstan, Almaty
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Technical characteristics
  • BrandОракал
  • Country of manufactureKazakhstan
  • Materialвинил с матовой ламинацией,основа алюкобонд

Numbering of houses — a way of assignment to houses of numbers. House number — the building identifier, unique in some vicinity (on the street, in a quarter , the area), being part of the address .

As a rule, house number is number to which the letter (an alphabetic index), number of the case, a structure or number through fraction is sometimes added.

The most widespread way of numbering is numbering along the street. At the same time houses number or one after another, or on distance from the beginning of the street.


Various systems of numbering of houses in the world

The most widespread scheme of numbering of houses in the world belongs to the European scheme when odd numbers are on one side of the street, and even on opposite, and numbering increases from the center. This scheme was for the first time applied in 1805 in France. Since the middle of the 19th century, owing to the convenience, extended over all countries of Europe and their former colonies. Now gradually forces out the archaic numberings of houses which are not connected between with themselves on one street. For example, new streets in South Korea are numbered according to the European scheme. The authorities of the United Arab Emirates made the decision to number houses according to the European scheme.


In Kazakhstan numbering of houses exists since the 20th century, and strongly does not differ from the European standards: almost always on one side of the street even numbers, on another — odd are located; numbers increase from a point of the choice of the beginning.

Early option of numbering — "right odd": odd numbers are on the right, even — to the left of a point of the beginning of the street. For example, the majority of streets of Almaty have initially "right odd" numbering. Later option — "left odd" numbering: odd numbers — at the left, even — on the right. The cities in general have mainly one of these options of numbering, but exceptions often meet. For example, right odd Simferopol has left odd Vishnyovaya Street, and left odd Odessa has right odd Preobrazhenskiy, Chernyakhovsk, Kartamyshevsky, Bathing, Broken lanes. In exceptional cases the whole area can have in whole or in part other option of numbering, than it is accepted in general in the city. So, the western part of the settlement Kotovsk in Odessa — left odd, and east — right odd; as conditional border serves Astronaut Georgy Dobrovolsky Avenue . The streets crossing Dobrovolsky Avenue have the corresponding type of numbering in western and in part, east from the prospectus; that is numbers from the prospectus increase in both parties: begin in West side, and proceed from the prospectus in east later. The similar situation is observed and to Kemerovo , streets located on the right river bank Tom have left odd numbering, on left — right odd.

Initially for convenience of post services the buildings which are at intersections could assign numbers of all those toponymic units on which this building got. Thus in some cities which early received numbering of houses, houses at the corner of streets have fractional (double) number, and the sign of fraction divides numerical values of numbers of this structure on each of streets (see a photo).

Plates on the house in Veliky Novgorod Plates on the house in Venyov

The buildings which were on squares on a joint of two streets had the threefold numbering registering through two fractions. Was decided to refuse this practice later, and to the disputed building in each case to resolve an issue of assignment of number separately.

At construction of new buildings assign them number of one of the next houses with a mark about number of the case. Assignment of house number with a letter, for example 1a is also possible.

In the USSR in post-war years, in the period of the beginning of mass construction of multiroom skyscrapers, the recommendation according to which own house number is given only to the building which is facing the street was accepted, and the buildings which are in a quarter have to have fractional number, additional number of the case or number with a letter. Far not everywhere adhered to it. For example, on Kosmonavtov Street in Odessa the odd party is numbered with application of this principle, and even — without application.

  • Number of the case is assigned to buildings if some of them have no direct exit to the street, that is are in the yard. The case 1, and the rest — the same house number and the following numbers of cases is appropriated to the building having an exit to the street.
  • The letter after number is put if the building between two is under construction, having consecutive numbers (for example, 27, 29). New number of the next to a letter is assigned (27a). Also letters appropriate to small buildings — wings, witness marks and so forth.
  • Number of a structure — is appropriated to the buildings which are representing a uniform complex and having the general entrance from the street.
  • Number through fraction is put in several cases. At the houses numbered on two crossed streets, these numbers are put through fraction. At the same time the order of numbers depends on option of designation of the address: the house designated by numbers 2 on Bozhenko St. and 42 on Iván Franco St. designate or "Bozhenko St., 2/42", or "Iván Franco St., 42/2". Such system is used, for example, in Almaty. If the building is built on the place several taken down (for example, with numbers 7, 9, 11), then sometimes such house is given number on the first and last taken down through fraction (7/11) — it is so accepted, for example, to a vsaratova , or through a dash (7-11) as, for example, in Moscow . Number through fraction can also designate number of the case, for example, "Shirotnaya St., 104/3", as in Tyumen.

In a different way numbering on quarters is. At the same time through numbering where every quarter has own number which is also hundreds of house number is often used. Thus, for example, the house number 1507 means that it is the seventh house in the fifteenth quarter. For example, in the city Tikhvin Leningrad region of each residential district separated by four streets has own name and own numbering of houses. Similar numbering (on cases — number of the residential district is not included into the address), behind some exception, is accepted in the Moscow Zelenograd (Zelenograd administrative district).

In Kaliningrad it is accepted to number not buildings, but entrances , thus, the first apartment of the first entrance at the beginning of the street in documents will have an appearance: of 1 quarter 1, the first apartment of the second entrance — of the 3rd quarter 1 (division into even and odd side of the street in Kaliningrad standard).
On "front" side of the multiaccess building (not on a facade, and on that party which is turned to a carriageway it can be also an end face of the building) — the plate, for example: Leninsky Avenue, 52-58 (according to even/odd number on each entrance). Directly house number is written over an entrance — 52, 54, 56, 58. For multiaccess buildings, especially if they are located perpendicular to the street, an end face to its carriageway, such numbering of houses is possible: the first entrance — the house 74a, the second entrance — the house 74b and so on. And the plate on the building — Kiyevskaya St., a 74a-74a (the six-access building).

Features of numbering of other toponymic units

  • Streets with unilateral building. Often (but it is not obligatory) have sequential numbering.
  • Lanes. In certain cases can have numbering on a seniority of the built buildings.
  • Mountain. Several houses standing on top of the hill or over a ravine. Can have any (The proletarian mountain, the Eagle) or partially ordered along the main journey (Shkodova the mountain, Odessa) numbering.
  • Area. The houses standing along the closed curve. Usually have numbering as on streets along the conditional line breaking the square at two parties — respectively even and odd; some areas have sequential numbering clockwise.
  • Park. Several built buildings or the allocated territories on a site with the difficult relief which is not allowing to design a little ordered road and street network. Numbering is almost always any. (For example, Northern park, Eagle.)

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