- BrandДон
- Country of manufactureKazakhstan
The main role in development of medical influence belongs to a borneolatsetat as a part of fir oil thanks to the expressed vasodilating effect.
Local vasodilatation improves blood circulation in a painful site, increases delivery of oxygen and own antiinflammatory substances; strengthens exchange processes in cells with removal of products of a metabolism (toxins and slags).
As a result inflammatory process abates, decrease or completely pain disappears.
Cream perfectly stops inflammatory processes and pain, possesses the pleasant warming action (it is useful to preparation of muscles for intensive exercise stresses and to massage). Regularly using cream at diseases of joints, you will get rid of pains, discomfort and constraint of movements.
Influence of active components of cream on hypodermic nerve terminations reflex improves blood supply and production of own antiinflammatory substances.
Fir oil; oil of a sabelnik; CO2 - extracts of a fir, burdock, red pepper
30 ml