Asus PRIME Z270M-PLUS 90MB0S50-M0EAY0 motherboard (Art:904426279) In stockPrice:53517 KZTBuyContact supplierPayment:Cash,Invoice paymentIn detailShipping:Customer pickup,CourierIn detailAdd to selectedCompareSellerLets (Lets), TOOKazakhstan, Almaty(View map) Products of other enterprisesMotherboards of Asus Maximus III GENEBiostar H61MGV3, S1155, H61, 2xDDR3, PCI-E x16...The ASRock Z68M-ITX/HT motherboard for Sandy...MotherboardPayment maternal ECS P41T-AECS G31T-M7 motherboardTechnical characteristicsBrandAsusDescriptionVVG 3х35+1х16 1 cable of kV Contact the sellerAsus PRIME Z270M-PLUS 90MB0S50-M0EAY0 motherboard (Art:904426279) Full namePhoneE-mailCaptcha (4 characters)I agree with privacy policies, regarding confidential data and user agreementI agree to receive offers from other companiesMessage We recommend to see Optical drives Coolers Video display boards Cases for computers Motherboards Component parts for computers Processors External Optical Drives Hard disks Systems of cooling HDD external Coolers for processor Coolers for computer case Units for water-cooled Disk drive emulator Random Access Memory Sound cards Shipping methodPayment method