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Brick acidproof Almaty buy in Almaty
Buy Brick acidproof Almaty
Brick acidproof Almaty

Brick acidproof Almaty

In stock
120000 KZT
  • 115000 KZT/t.  - from 20 t.
Kazakhstan, Almaty
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10 years on Allbiz
Technical characteristics
  • Country of manufactureRussia
  • Type of brickCeramic
  • Special featureAcid-resistant

The acidproof brick is the acidproof ceramic brick intended for construction of walls in by - product recovery departments, lining of the high - rise chimneys working under the influence of gases and hostile environment and also laying of floors in rooms with especially high mechanical loading.

The brick acidproof is issued in accordance with GOST 474 - 90 and has the following designations:

  1. Brick of direct KP class: And, B, In (230х113х65 mm)
  2. Brick of maple face KT bilateral (230х113х65х55 mm)
  3. Maple Rebrova's brick of KR bilateral (230х113х65х55 mm)

For laying of an acidproof brick acidproof Arzamit - 5 putty (powder and solution) or putty on the basis of acidproof powder is used.

Physical and chemical indicators in accordance with GOST 474 - 90


C. And C. B C. In
1. Acid resistance, % not less 97, 5 97, 5 96, 0
2. Strength at compression of MPa (kg/cm ²) 55 (550) 50 (500) 35 (350)
3. Water absorption, % no more 6, 0 6, 8 8, 0
4. Water penetration, hour 48 36 24
5. Thermal stability, t. changes 3 3 2
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