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Casein technical buy in Shymkent
Buy Casein technical
Casein technical

Casein technical

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Kazakhstan, Shymkent
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12 years on Allbiz

Casein technical represents porous, dense grain of any form. Grain sizes do not exceed 5 mm in section. Technical casein homogeneous on weight, color homogeneous, from light - yellow to yellow, is packed into paper bags. Casein is divided into two groups, how it has been received: - abomasal technical casein (it turns out by coagulation of proteins under the influence of pepsin, enzyme) - acid technical casein (it turns out by coagulation of proteins of bezzhirenny cow's milk under the influence of hydrochloric, lactic acid) Acid technical casein is divided into two types: - solyanokislotny - molochnokislotny Casein technical on reduction ratio is divided: - ground casein - casein in chamois On indicators of quality divide on: - acid lactic - casein 1 and the highest grades - abomasal casein in grain the highest, 1, 2 grades - acid casein in grain the highest, 1, 2 grades Technical casein is widely applied in the industry, and food casein is used in the food industry. Apply as waterproof substance, provides adhesion of glue on surfaces. If to process casein technical formaldehyde, then it is possible to receive plastic of which made brushes and buttons.
Casein is widely applied in the different industrial industries. At the same time for the different purposes of application there are also different requirements to form and properties of the received casein. In this regard use different methods of production, the most widespread of which are enzymatic and acid coagulation. Casein technical is homogeneous structure which consists of different form and grains size. At the same time grains differ in porosity and dry consistence. Depending on method of receiving distinguish abomasal and acid technical caseins. Abomasal technical casein is received by enzymatic coagulation of skim milk with pepsin use. Production of acid technical casein is carried out from the fat - free cow's milk as a result of the coagulation executed with the help of either hydrochloric, or lactic acid. Thereof emit solyanokislotny and molochnokislotny caseins.
The received by any of the listed ways, koagulirovanny clot of casein is repeatedly washed out distilled water for the purpose of removal of the remains of any impurity. The received raw materials are subjected to pressing and centrifuging then split up and dried in special dryers. Depending on reduction ratio emit ground and sernovy casein of different grades of quality. It should be noted that casein technical is intended not for the use in food by the person, and for use as technical raw materials in many industries. The most frequent consumers are chemical, easy, woodworking, pulp - and - paper, perfumery, pharmaceutical, paint and varnish and even aviation industries.

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