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Chain elevator buy in Kyzylorda
Buy Chain elevator
Chain elevator

Chain elevator

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Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda
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75% of positive reviews from 8
12 years on Allbiz
Technical characteristics
  • Country of manufactureRussia

Chain elevator

Advantages of chain elevators:

  • The chain elevator occupies smaller space than mast lift with the electro - telpher.
  • Installation of the elevator requires hitch of only 200 mm.

More light - weight construction.

Loading capacity and lifting height:

  • Lifting of loads to 500 kg is possible.

Installation site of the chain elevator:

  • In the building (in ready mine).
  • Outside of the building.
  • In the building (in apertures of interfloor overlappings)

The directions of loading - vygruzki: ot 1 to 3 parties.

It is made in sotrudnichesvta with the Russian plant

For calculation of cost it is necessary to fill in the form of the order on the website

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Chain elevator
Chain elevator
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