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Chinese Dvukhvaltsovy road skating rink of YTO LTC6B buy in Almaty
Buy Chinese Dvukhvaltsovy road skating rink of YTO LTC6B
Chinese Dvukhvaltsovy road skating rink of YTO LTC6B

Chinese Dvukhvaltsovy road skating rink of YTO LTC6B

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Kazakhstan, Almaty
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Company rating

67% of positive reviews from 3
Technical characteristics
  • BrandYTO
  • Country of manufactureChina

Working weight of kg 6100

 N/cm 232.4 loading

mm 1320 width

Engine 4100AY model

 KW 42 engine capacity

 Standard oborotnost of r/pm 2000

 Way of cooling water

Engine displacement is L 3.26

 Model of the main pump C5 - 25 - 1H15F - 20 - 2

Volume of the main pump ml/r 25

 Working pressure in the Mpa 16 system

Model of the CM5 - 16 1II15F - 20 vibromotor

Vibromotor 16 volume

Frequency of vibration of Hz 43

Static linear loading of KN/m 20.6

 Amplitude of vibration of mm 0.6

Frequency of fluctuations of Hz 46

Amplitude of fluctuations of mm 0.62

 Centrifugal force of KN 55

Speed of the movement (1 transfer / 2nd transfer) Km/h 2.5/7.5

 Ability to overcome raising of % 20

Minimum road gleam of mm of 240 Min.

Rotary radius of mm 5000

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Chinese Dvukhvaltsovy road skating rink of YTO LTC6B
Chinese Dvukhvaltsovy road skating rink of YTO LTC6B
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