- BrandAzatConstructionService.KZ
- Country of manufactureKazakhstan
- 60 to + 40 °C.
Module container floor
Frame design:
- welded steel profile of cold hire 3 mm thick;
- 4 container corners, welded;
- 2 openings under a fork loader;
- the bearing cross beams of a floor are executed from Ω (omega) - profiles, mm S=2,5.
- mineral wool 60 mm thick.
Floor basis:
- the zinced metal leaf 0,63 mm thick.
Floor covering:
- wood - shaving plate (WSP) 22 mm thick, waterproof (V100);
- the sexual covering of PVC 1,5 mm thick soldered on joints.
Module container roof
Frame design:
- welded steel profile of cold hire 3 mm thick;
- 4 container corners, welded;
- the cross bearing wooden beams with a section of 100 x 40 mm.
- galvanized steel sheet 0,63 mm thick, the double fold passing through all length of a module container;
- mineral wool 100 mm thick.
Ceiling covering:
- from two parties laminated by a chipboard (V 20), thickness of 10 mm, internal finishing - white.
The SEE external sockets are drowned in a ceiling frame of a module container from the face party.
Angular racks of a module container
- steel profile of cold hire 4 mm thick;
- bolted connection with the lower and top frame.
Wall elements of a module container
Are made from a sandwich panels 100 mm thick.
Kinds of panels:
- full,
- door,
- window,
- with a sanitary window.
External covering:
- the leaf 0,55 mm thick zinced and painted white color.
- 1 option: expanded polystyrene 100 mm thick;
- 2 option: mineral wool 100 mm thick.
Internal finishing:
- the laminated DVP, beech color.
On window wall elements of a module container plastic windows with the rotary and folding mechanism of opening, a mosquito grid and the integrated rolling shutters are established three - chambered (with a threefold glazing).
Transportation of a module container
Office and household modular module containers can be delivered packed in unassembled form. Height of four packages is equal to height of one module container in a collected state. Height of a module container can change depending on the used components of the modular block.
Installation of a module container
Each separate module (module container) has to be installed on the prepared base at least with 4 points of support for 10 - foot and 6 points of support for a 20 - foot module container. Separate module containers can connect among themselves the front, face parties or be put at each other (at most to 3 floors). At one - storeyed execution the arrangement of module containers and size of rooms can be determined by a discretion.