- Country of manufactureRussia
Conveyer, food, noriyny belts to order
The rezinotkanevy conveyer belt is used to transportation of loose, lumpy and piece freights on tape conveyors with flat or channeled rolikoopor.
Conveyer rezinotkanevy belts are made the following types: general purpose, frost - resistant, heatresistant, hardly flammable (for coal and slate mines), hardly flammable frost - resistant and food.
Conveyer (conveyor) belts are elements of different function of conveyors, are applied to transportation of freights and materials. It is used practically in all fields of the national economy: in food, chemical, heavy, a tree - and kamneobrabatyvayushchy, mining and pharmaceutical industry, in production of furniture.
Depending on appointment conveyer belts make with rubber facings of various thickness from one or two parties, with cut or rubber boards, from the synthetic or polyester and cotton fabrics calculated on strong loadings (from 2 to 8 fabric laying) with the special impregnation preventing stratification. There are different types of rezinotkanevy conveyer belts for various working conditions (for easy, average and severe conditions of operation, freights of various size and degree of abrasivity). Frost - resistant tapes are efficient at a temperature from - 60 °C to + 60 °C, food and hardly flammable – from - 25 °C to + 60 °C, other – from - 45 °C to + 60 °C.