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- ManufacturerЗерновая компания Granasco
- Country of manufactureKazakhstan
- Type of productFoods
- Hardness of grainSolid
- Cultivar/HybridCultivar
Wheat is one of the widely grown most up cultures in the world (takes the third place after corn and rice), which feeds considerable part of the population of the planet. About 700 million tons of grain are annually made and, according to some information, every fifth consumed calorie in the world comes from wheat.
Wheat happens soft and firm grades. The flour received from soft grades is used more often for baking of confectionery. In such flour of grain of starch is larger, consistence her softer owing to what pastries from it turn out friable and quickly enough harden. Flour from firm grades is used mainly for production of bread.
The durum wheat considerably differs from soft: closely packed ear with the long awns directed parallel to core; the culm is filled with connective tissue; grain long; color from light to dark - amber; small beard it is developed poorly, it is not distinguishable; the groove is open, superficial; endosperms vitreous. Use durum wheat for production of macaroni flour and as improver for baking.
Akmola Agro Trade LLP and GRANARY LLP - leaders in the field of wholesale trade grain and quality oil - bearing crops, both in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and beyond its limits. In the conditions of the high competition of the company proved as reliable partners thanks to quality of the delivered goods and professional service of service.