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Filters are intended for work in refrigeration, gas units, in installations of liquid fuel, solvents, oils, brake fluids and other substances, nonaggressive in relation to constructional materials.
Filters serve for clarification of a working environment in installation from pollution that protects devices and devices from failures in functioning and prolongs their term of operation.
The net cartridge is constructed their skeleton of the covered with a grid from steel, chromonickel alloy or other material. In addition the boss is protected from corrosion by galvanization. Cell size: 0,5 mmThe filter can be made performed by "under welding" (FWKb).
Working environment: mineral and synthetic oil, kerosene, propano - butane, ethylene, diesel fuel, lubricant oils, ammonia, brake and hydraulic fluids, water vapor and also other nonaggressive environments for carbonaceous steel.
Extent of filtering of 0,5 mm.
Working pressure - 2,5 MPa.
Range of temperatures - from - 40? With to + 135? WithFilters are delivered in standard sizes from Dn10 to Dn200.
Filters Pilzno FWPb, FWPk, FWKb, FWKk - - - | - 222.69 KB |
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