Kazakhstan, Pavlodar
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7 years on Allbiz
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Filter of ground type of purification of oil products.
Speed of a stream is up to 100 l/min.
Filtration: to 100 microns from mechanical impurity.
It is intended for cleaning of mechanical impurity of oil products from tanks, the main oil pipelines of oil depots and gas station.
The filtering grid (extent of cleaning to 100 microns). Reusable, it is easily washed out. Is established on an intaking pipe of underground, land, horizontal and vertical tanks.
Technical characteristics:
- The filter for oil products
- Purification of fuel of mechanical impurity
- Filtration degree - 100 microns
- Arrangement - in front of the soaking - up unit on an intaking pipe or the backpressure valve
- Connection an exit - 1" (25 mm)
- Production Italy
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