1. wood fire protection:
— provides the 1 and 2 group of fireproof efficiency at a low expense,
— revolutionary indicators of fire danger of the processed G1, RP1, V1, D2, T2 wood (wood becomes slabogoryuchy, not extending a flame, flame-resistant, with moderate smoke-generating ability, umerennoopasny on a toxicity class).
2. antiseptirovaniye: protects wood from derevookrashivayushchy and mold mushrooms, a bug wood borer;
3. is impregnation preservative: protects wood from a dilapidation, reduces wood cracking.
Pirilaks biopyrene - the Term is intended for processing:
- internal wooden surfaces in any types of buildings (from any breeds of wood):
- in the heated inhabited and non-residential premises;
- in not heated inhabited and non-residential premises (warehouses, garages, utility rooms);
- rafter systems;
- mansard rooms;
- in baths and saunas (from coniferous breeds of wood) except a regiment, a floor;
- internal wooden designs of all means of transport;
- the glued wooden designs executed with use of the pitches and glues which are standardly applied to pasting of wood (carboamidoformaldehyde, melaminoformaldegidny, phenol - and resorcinolformaldehyde pitches, glues on an izotsianatny and polyurethane basis, and also water and dispersive glues). Processing of glued wood biopyrene does not destroy a glue layer and does not influence its characteristics.
Not obrabatyvatpolka, floor in a bath and a sauna. The raw natural wood in places of contact with a body of the person is most useful to health.
Not to apply to processing in risk zones: not aired places with the increased humidity, basement and socle rooms, the lower wreaths of fellings and baths, beams, logs, floorboards from below, places of condensation of moisture, surfaces subjected to mechanical friction.
We recommend for application in zones of risk "Pirilaks®", "Pirilaks®-Lyuks" — fireproof impregnations with the strengthened antiseptic effect; "Norteks®-Dezinfektor for wood" — strong antiseptics.
Action mechanism
At ignition under the influence of high temperatures and an open flame the modified layer of wood turns into a vspuchenny penokoksovy layer (the so-called penokoksovy fur coat is formed). This layer prevents access of oxygen to wood and by that interferes with further distribution of a flame.
Expense for providing indicators of G1, RP1, V1, D2, T2 (a class of fire danger of KM1 wood),
transfer of wood to slow-burning material (on GOST12.1.044-89) and an antiseptirovaniye (in 2-3 layers)
S-RU.PB31.V.00124 of 17.12.2011.
Expense for receiving a class of fire danger of K0(15) of building constructions (wooden glued designs vertical and horizontal) according to Technical regulations about requirements of fire safety, not less |
g/sq.m |
No. S-RU.PB25. B.01473 of 20.12.12 |
For 1 group of fire protection and an antiseptirovaniye (in 2-3 layers)
S-RU.PB31.V.00124 of 17.12.2011.
For 2 groups of fire protection and an antiseptirovaniye (in 1-2 layers)
S-RU.PB31.V.00124 of 17.12.2011.
For an antiseptirovaniye (in 1 layer)
NPP Senezhsky Laboratory of protection of wood. Confirmation of efficiency of structure in relation to derevookrashivayushchy mold mushrooms (in accordance with GOST 30028.4). |
Term of preservation of ognebiozashchitny effect
Covering service conditions |
Fire protection |
Antiseptirovaniye |
In the heated inhabited and non-residential premises |
16 years
20 years
In not heated inhabited and non-residential premises with normal humidity |
6 years
6 years
In the baths and saunas (excluding shelves, a floor and zones of risk) executed from coniferous breeds |
6 years
6 years
Temperature of operation of a surface
- for coniferous breeds - 50 °C + 110 °C
- for deciduous breeds - 50 °C + 50 °C
At temperature increase of operation wood darkening is possible.
Distinctive features
One structure — the solution of three problems:
1. fire protection
2. antiseptirovaniye
3. conservation
Forms a covering, safe for people and animals:
- Impregnation is created on a water basis, not soderzhitmetanol (strong poison with cumulative effect).
- As anti-septic tanks not of soderzhitftorid, toxic for the person and animals.
- In the conditions of thermal influence does not emit phosphene (extremely poisonous gas).
Safety of the processed surfaces at a temperature of +120 °C is confirmed with the test report of the Test Center "KARBEKOTEST" (No. 203-16/2-06 of 02.03.2006); conclusion of the Moscow scientific research institute of hygiene of F.F. Erisman.
It is convenient in drawing and storage:
- it is put with a brush, an okunaniye or dispersion even at subzero temperature to -15 °C. Processing to -30 °C is possible (see in more detail in Features of application).
- over impregnation in 15 days it is possible to put a paint and varnish covering (which does not contain chalk, calcite, lime, cement). For receiving a water dirt-resistant covering we recommend to put "Nortovskiy® a varnish interior" (previously the varnish can be zakolerovat in any color).
- it is stored in polyethylene or corrosion-proof capacities at a temperature from -50 °C to +50 °C. At a temperature of -16 °C partially crystallizes, after defrosting keeps the properties.
- structures have a light smell of a pine that facilitates work in the course of fireproof processing. The smell disappears after drying
Appearance of a surface
- Wood gets a light yellow shade ("Solar Europe ®"), the texture of wood is not painted over. Vysola on a surface of wood are absent.
- When processing of the darkened wood its natural color is not restored.