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- Type of filling floorPolyurethane
Now owing to the fact that old refrigerators attain the age instead of them it is necessary to build new that just and is observed recently. At the moment there is a reconstruction and construction of industrial refrigerators. The main requirements which have to be answered modern refrigerating and freezers are the durability and a korrozioustoychivost, also they have to meet the modern requirements of heat insulation and thermal insulation. Undoubtedly, the huge role is played also by floors in refrigerators.
The great influence on effective operation of refrigerators is exerted by a condition of soil. As floors refrigerators are in contact with soil, and at their strong frost penetration there is a process of a pucheniye of soil. But there is exit from this situation - it is necessary to achieve that temperature of soil did not fall below three degrees above zero. Works on heat insulation of a floor are for this purpose performed. To maintain the necessary temperature of floors the electrical heating, air heating or brine heating of floors is applied.
Today also very popularly began to apply technology of multilayered floors. On this technology polymeric floors in refrigerators have to consist of the following layers. In the beginning there is a sand-gravel pillow, then all this waterproofs, then do an initial concrete coupler, further all this termoizolirutsya, on the received layer we do a secondary concrete coupler, works on heat insulation, again waterproofing works again, we do the reinforced concrete coupler. At the end everything becomes covered by the strengthening layer and the removing dust covering. Observance of this technology provides very high protection against frost penetration and floors in refrigerators will serve much longer.
Floors in freezers undergo serious changes now. Such constructions as freezers and refrigerating warehouses in most cases are stationary rooms. Therefore floors in freezers act as the base of this room and respectively have continuous contact with the soil. At very low temperatures floors in freezers freeze through. And it inevitably leads to gradual frost penetration in soil. Therefore floors in freezers can deteriorate over time.
This problem was solved by making of pipes under a thermal insulation layer where hot water arrived. As practice showed this method to cost very much. Besides it is not reliable as over time there were leakages or freezing of water in pipes, and there was a problem of complexity of repair.
Now this problem is solved with the help of application of special heating cables which are laid in a floor in freezers. This method is much more economic and more reliable in the solution of such problem as frost penetration in floors in freezers and a soil pucheniye. Therefore floors in freezers need to be done on special technology.
At the moment there is a huge range of materials for floors in refrigerating and freezers.
Here an example of floors which find the application in refrigerators. One of such floors is the heatisolated floor. The floors applied in refrigerators are made of the strengthened concrete, and from above become covered by a special antidust covering. The floors applied in refrigerators can also be made from a sandwich panels which are in turn revetted with a thick metal layer, or a flooring from a tree with a steel covering. Expanded polystyrene provides thermal insulation.
The floors applied in refrigerators can be polyurethane. Polyurethane floors thanks to the properties become very popular. The positive side of these floors - ability to maintain low temperature, but of course is the small difficulties connected with high requirements to technology of laying.