- Country of manufactureRussia
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Yulian Semenov "Alternative", "Third Map" (collection), M. Izvestia, 1984 issue, hardcover, excellent condition, Semenov's book under the general title "Alternative" includes two novels: "Alternative" (Spring 1941) " and "The Third Map (June 1941)", united by one hero - Isaev - Stirlitz.
Raffaello Giovagnoli "Spartacus", Foreign classics, Kyiv, 1985, hardcover, good condition, The name of the legendary Spartacus is known from books, films, paintings. The novel by Raffaello Giovagnoli (1838 - 1915) tells without embellishment about the harsh customs of Ancient Rome, immersing the reader in the atmosphere of life of that time. By the will of fate, the main character, a warrior of the imperial legion, falls into slavery. Gladiator fights are waiting for him, and one day “the last will be the first” and the despicable slave will make the mighty of this world shudder . . .
Sergei Grigoriev "Alexander Suvorov", M. Thought, 1990 issue, hardcover, excellent condition, Historical adventures. S. T. Grigoriev is one of the most talented Soviet children's writers who developed documentary and historical topics. This work, which has become a classic, shows the formation of the personality of Alexander Suvorov, his formation as a commander, highlights the victories in the Russian - Turkish wars and the Italian campaign, tells about the famous crossing of the Alps. Akhmatova Anna, volume 1 "Poems and poems", M. Pravda, 1990 issue, hardcover, excellent condition, Akhmatova is an outstanding poet of the 20th century. The hardest trials fell to her share, but this did not break the spirit of the creator. Her works are an integral part of Russian and world culture. Akhmatova Anna, volume 2 "Poems and poems", M. Pravda, 1990 issue, hardcover, excellent condition, Akhmatova is an outstanding poet of the 20th century. The hardest trials fell to her share, but this did not break the spirit of the creator. Her works are an integral part of Russian and world culture. Henryk Sienkiewicz "Where are you going? " Excellent knowledge of history and brilliant talent of the writer allowed him to become a corresponding member and honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the Department of Russian Language and Literature. "Kamo Gryadeshi" - the most famous novel by Sienkiewicz; pictures of the life of Rome in the middle of the 1st century AD. e. and the persecution of Christians of that time is described in it with amazing authenticity. To achieve this effect, Sienkiewicz reworked many ancient documents. Henryk Sienkiewicz "The Polanietsky Family", M. , True, 1990 issue, condition - excellent, historical adventures, on the pages of the book you live a family romance, where the wife, loving, kind, patient Marynia Plavitskaya, tries to warm her husband's soul with the power of her love - cruel, quick - tempered, unbalanced Stanislav Polanetsky. Marynia revives the extinguished fire of love, forgives all the insults caused to her, and an even greater passionate feeling flares up between husband and wife, "The Polanetsky Family" is a talented work about how true love and genuine feelings win, and it is up to readers to decide whether it is right Do lovers behave in order not to lose and preserve such a fragile family happiness. Генрик Сенкевич "Огнем и мечом", М. , Правда, 1991г. вып, состояние - отличное, исторические приключения, подобно Гюго, Дюма, Толстому, Сенкевич сумел описать великие события минувших эпох, уделив внимание и личности человека - творца этих событий, роман "Огнем и мечом" рассказывает о драматических событиях XVII века, происходивших на Украине, в годы всенародного восстания под началом Богдана Хмельницкого, которое привело к воссоединению Украины и России. Это увлекательный рассказ о суровых временах, о смелых людях, ярких характерах, исключительных судьбах. Генрих Манн (сборник) "Учитель Гнус". "В маленьком городе". "Серьезная жизнь", М. , Правда, 1990г. вып, обложка - целлофанированный твердый переплет, состояние - отличное, в сборник произведений классика немецкой литературы Г. Манна (1871 - 1950) включены романы, созданные писателем на разных этапах творческой деятельности и дающие широкую картину жизни буржуазной Европы первой Brothers Collection, Valentin Pikul "Bayazet", Historical adventures, M. , Molodaya Gvavrdia, 1990 issue, hardcover, good condition, the book is devoted to the history of the Russian - Turkish war of 1877 - 1878, which resulted in the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke. It includes Valentin Pikul's novel "Bayazet", which tells about one of the most striking episodes of the war in the Caucasus, as well as memoirs of combatants in the Balkan theater - D. A. Milyutin, D. A. Skalov, V. V. Vereshchagin, A. . V. Vereshchagin, V. I. Nemirovich - Danchenko and others. Aleksey Chapygin "Razin Stepan", Historical adventures, Minsk, 1986 issue, cover - hardcover, excellent condition, in his work the author refers to the "rebellious" XVII century - the era of great upheavals and rebellions. In the center of the story is the figure of Stepan Razin, the legendary rebel and people's "driver", who led one of the largest peasant uprisings in Russian history. The novel showed the best aspects of Chapygin's talent: in vivid and precise details, the author conveys the life and color of the distant past, lively folk speech, creates heroic characters fanned by folk poetry. Victor Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral" Paris (collection), M. , Pravda, 1984 issue, cover - cellophane hardcover, excellent condition, on March 16, 1831, V. Hugo's novel "Notre Dame Cathedral" was published. The writer desperately did not want to finish the manuscript. The July Revolution, which took place right outside the author's window in an apartment on Place des Vosges, greatly distracted him. “He locked his room with a key so as not to succumb to the temptation to go out, and entered his novel as if in a prison . . . ”, his wife recalled. Readers who knew about the history of the gypsy street dancer Esmeralda, Quasimodo in love with her, the bell ringer of Notre Dame Cathedral, the priest Frollo and Captain Phoebus de Chateaupe, wanted to see that quaint medieval Paris, the symbol of which was Notre Dame Cathedral. But this city was no more. The cathedral has been in disrepair for many years. Only a few years after the publication of the book, Quasimodo saved the Cathedral and the government decided to begin the restoration of the main symbol of medieval Paris. Борис Пастернак "Доктор Живаго", М. , Книжная палпта, 1990г. вып, твердый переплет, состояние - хорошее, "Как обещало, не обманывая, проникло солнце утром рано косою полосой шафранового от занавеси до дивана. . . "Самые лучшие, самые сокровенные стихи Б. Пастернак вложил в уста своего любимого героя Юрия Живаго. Это роман - о любви, о России, о русской природе, о русской интеллигенции. . . Это роман обо всей нашей жизни. И он удивительно созвучен сегодняшнему дню Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind" (set of 2 books), Lenizdat, 1989 issue, cover: cellophane hardcover, excellent condition, historical novel - the story of a beautiful southern woman, a woman with a strong character, who fights for personal happiness and well - being while the familiar world around is dying. The carefree youth of Scarlett O'Hara was swept away by the mighty winds of the Civil War. In an instant, the girl had to grow up: the noise of the balls was replaced by the roar of cannonades, her mother died, her father went crazy, her native estate was empty. However, Scarlett, capricious and capricious, but at the same time, strong and desperate, cannot be broken by love failures, or the difficulties of life, or the burden of responsibility for loved ones. Her captivating charm and incredible dedication will help you survive all the trials and gain faith in yourself. that the love of life is more important than love; about what makes us live - no matter what happens around. Bulgakov Mikhail, Collected works in 2 volumes, volume 2: Novels: "The Master and Margarita", "The Life of Monsieur de Molière", "Theatrical Novel", Kyiv Dnipro 1989 issue, hardcover, condition - excellent Proskurin Petr "Fate", M. Profizdat, 1990 issue, hardcover, good condition, the novel recreates a wide panorama of the life of the people from the beginning of the 30s to the end of the Great Patriotic War. Lermontov Mikhail Works in 2 volumes (set), M. Pravda, 1988 issue, hardcover, good condition, The first volume of the Russian poet includes poems of 1828 - 1841. and poems ("Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Corsair", "Demon", "Mtsyri", etc. ) The second volume includes his dramatic ("Masquerade", "Strange Man", etc. ) and prose ("Hero of Our Time" , "Princess Ligovskaya", etc. ) works. Теодор Драйзер , романы: "Стоик", "Оплот", Лениздат, 1989г. вып, обложка: целлофанированный твердый переплет, состояние - отличное, "Стоик" - третий, заключительный роман легендарной "Трилогии желания", в основу которой положена история жизни американского миллионера Чарлза Йеркса. Фрэнк Каупервуд - гениальный предприниматель с безошибочным деловым чутьем, испробовал все возможности обогащения на Западе, "Оплот»" - история трех поколений религиозной квакерской семьи. Столкновение суровых принципов с повседневной действительностью, конфликт отцов и детей, борьба любви и долга показаны Драйзером с потрясающей выразительностью и остротой. Солженицын Александр "В круге первом", М. Панорама, 1991г. вып, твердый переплет, состояние - отличное, роман, запрещенный в СССР и впервые опубликованный на Западе, написан на автобиографическом материале. Центральное место в повествовании занимает идейный спор героев романа. Все они прошли войну и ГУЛАГ. При этом один из них остался убеждённым коммунистом. Другой же, Нержин, уверен в порочности самой основы коммунистической системы. Alexey Tolstoy trilogy "Walking through the torments", M. Hood Literature, 1987 issue, hardcover, excellent condition, Volume 1. "Sisters", "The Eighteenth Year" Volume 2. "Gloomy Morning", The epic consists of three novels, covering the period from 1914 to 1919. It was a terrible time of the First World War and the Civil War in Russia, the horrors of the war years the reader will have to go through with four main characters, whose fates will lead us through the most diverse and unlike nooks and crannies of the revolution. One will fight for the Reds, the other for the Whites; one will join a secret counter - revolutionary organization, and the other - in the fighting squad of Father Makhno. The war will more than once bring together and separate the threads of their destinies, quarrel and reconcile, force them to make a choice - to kill for an idea or preserve humanity in themselves. Ivanov Vsevolod "Empress Fike", Rostov - on - Don, 1985 issue, hardcover, excellent condition, collection of three stories about the formation of the Russian Empire, Ivanov - writer, philosopher, culturologist, historian, carefully displayed the facts showing pictures of the history of Russia in the Middle Ages . Ivan the Third - a story about the Sovereign and the Grand Duke of All Rus', about the collector of Russian lands. A lot of space in the book is given to Sophia Fominishna Paleolog, the second wife of Ivan the Third, a Byzantine princess. It was she who gave birth to Vasily, the father of Ivan IV the Terrible. It was at her insistence that the Italian Aristotle Fioravanti was invited, who built the white - stone Cathedral of the Assumption Cathedral. It was Sophia Fominishna who was the ideological inspirer of the subtle diplomatic mission to liberate Rus' from the power of the Golden Horde, which began with Standing on the Ugra Балашов Дмитрий "Великий стол", М. Современник, 1991г. вып, твердый переплет, состояние - хорошее, сторические приключения, роман продолжающий уникальную историческую хронику - эпопею "Государи Московские", начатую романом "Младший сын", охватывает первую четверть XIV века (1304 - 1327 гг. ) - время трагическое и полное противоречий, когда в борьбе Твери и Москвы решалось, какой из этих центров станет объединителем Владимирской (позже - Московской) Руси. Шолохов Михаил "Поднятая целина", М. Худ Литература, 1987г. вып, твердый переплет, состояние - отличное, События романа разворачиваются на Дону в разгар коллективизации, в 1930 году. На хутор Гремячий Лог по заданию партии приезжает коммунист, двадцатипятитысячник, бывший моряк и рабочий Ленинградского завода, Семён Давыдов. Он знакомится с руководителем местной партийной ячейки Макаром Нагульновым и председателем гремячинского сельсовета Андреем Размётновым. Вместе им меньше чем за год удается организовать Гремячинский колхоз, преодолевая недоверие «середняков», борясь с вредительством и бесхозяйственностью. O. Henry Paper "Selected Works", (collection), M. Pravda, 1991 issue, cover: cellophane hardcover, excellent condition, O. Henry is the author of many brilliant short stories that are world famous. The book presents short stories from various collections - "Four Million", "Burning Lamp", "Roads of Fate", etc. Petronius Gaius "The Arbiter", "Lucius Apuleius" (collection), M. Pravda, 1991 issue, hardcover, good condition, humorous prose, Lucius Apuleius is a young and very curious man, he wanted to know what it was like to become a bird, but something then it went wrong and instead of wings a tail grew and our hero turned into a donkey - an animal in everyday life is very necessary and necessary for everyone. Having retained the human mind, he was forced to move from one owner to another and lead a hard life, characteristic of all domestic animals. Foreign French classics (collection) Charles Nodier "Jean Sbogar", Alain Fournier "Big Molne", Paul Bourget "The Apprentice", M. Pravda, 1990 issue, cover: cellophane hardcover, condition - excellent, three famous novels, giving in together, a vivid picture of the development of romanticism in French literature over the course of a century - from the beginning of the last century to the beginning of the present. The Apprentice (1889) by Paul Bourget is one of the most striking French psychological novels of the late 19th century. Written from a Christian standpoint, it reveals the futility of the modern philosophy of science (positivism) and its notion of the relativity of morality. Лион Фейхтвангер "Гойя, или Тяжкий путь познания", исторический роман, М. Правда, 1991г. вып, обложка: целлофанированный твердый переплет, состояние - отличное, Гойя - великий испанский художник и гравер, один из ярчайших представителей романтизма в изобразительном искусстве. Его жизни и творчеству посвящен роман Л. Фейхтвангера, в котором причудливо и изысканно переплетены история и вымысел, классическая проза - и безупречная стилизация испанского романсеро. Foreign classics XIII century BC (collection) Mary Renault Tezey (Theseus) "The Tsar Must Die". "Bull from the Sea", M. Respublika, 1992 issue, cover: cellophane hardcover, excellent condition, foreign classic XIII century BC. e. Mediterranean, the legend of Theseus, one of the greatest heroes of antiquity, descended from the immortal god Poseidon. He was destined to perform many feats. One of these feats was the fight with the monster Minotaur in the depths of the Labyrinth. After that, he was destined to go on a campaign for the Golden Fleece and fight the centaurs. The story of Theseus is half myth, half story. Archaeological excavations in the Mediterranean prove that many of the stories about the hero are true. Rybakov Anatoly "Fear (35th and other years)" continuation of the novel "Children of the Arbat", M. Book Chamber, 1992 issue, cover: cellophane hardcover, condition - good, the second book of the trilogy "Children of the Arbat" is probably the most dramatic part of the famous work of Anatoly Rybakov. 1935 After the assassination of Kirov, the authorities cleanse the country of unreliable elements and enemies of the people. The country is terrified. People are moving away from each other. Fear makes them executioners. Immeasurable, endless chain of fear: from Stalin - down to the foot of power Merezhkovsky D. S. "The Resurrected Gods", "Leonardo da Vinch", M. Fiction, 1990 issue, cover: cellophane hardcover, excellent condition Theodor Dreiser "Titan", the second novel of the legendary "Trilogy of Desire", Lenizdat, 1988, cover: cellophane hardcover, excellent condition Teodor Dreiser "Financier", Chisinau, 1988, condition - good Gustav Danilovsky "Mary Magdalene", Baron Olshevri "Vampires", Grigory Philipson "Caucasian War", Stavropol, 1991, condition - excellent Ice house "Ivan Lazhechnikov", Minsk, 1985, condition - good, Fascinatingly fascinating, tragic story of Empress Anna Ioannovna and her favorite, Duke Biron, the conspirator Count Volynsky and his comrades, the beautiful Moldavian princess Marioritsa Lelemiko and the mysterious gypsy Mariula, who became true shadow of this girl Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", "Theatrical Romance", "Zoyka's Apartment", "Crimson Island", "Running", M. , Pravda, 1991 issue, cover: cellophane hardcover, condition - excellent Boleslav Prus "Pharaoh" - a historical novel by the famous Polish writer Boleslav Prus about ancient Egypt, M. , Pravda, 1984 issue, condition - good Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich "History of the Russian State" in 4 books (12 volumes), Rostov - on - Don, 1990, excellent condition Chakovsky Alexander "Blockade" (book 1.2.3 in one), Chisinau, 1985 issue, condition - excellent Danilevsky Grigory Petrovich, historical novels: "Mirovich", "Princess Tarakanova", "Burned Moscow", Chisinau, 1988, condition - excellent Stone Irving "Torments and Joys" in two volumes, Minsk, 1990 issue, cover: cellophane hardcover, excellent condition, tells about the life and creative searches of the great Italian sculptor, painter, architect and Renaissance poet Michelangelo Buonarotti Evgenia Ginzburg "It's still heavy", issue 1, Notes of your contemporary, M, joint venture, 1989, condition - excellent Yuri Tynyanov, "Pushkin", M, Fiction, 1987 issue, condition - good, unfinished novel by the famous Russian writer, playwright and literary critic Yuri Nikolayevich Tynyanov - the central work in the artistic heritage of the writer's work and the work of his whole life. Series: Life of remarkable people: Sakharov A. N. "Stepan Razin", 1987 issue, Zhukova L. N. "Lodygin", 1989 issue, Okolotin V. S. , "Volta", 1986 issue, Lebedev E. N. "Lomonosov", 1990 issue, Kuzmin A. G. , "Tatishchev", 1987 issue, Stepanov V. A. "Yuri Gagarin", 1987 issue, M, Young Guard, condition - good Jack Lindsay, novels: "Hannibal", "Underground Thunder", cover: cellophane hardcover, M. , Pravda, 1989 issue, excellent condition