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- BrandBTL
- Country of manufactureUnited Kingdom
BTL - 08 electrocardiograph, execution option: BTL - 08 Holter with accessories.
Main characteristics:
- 3/7/12 - channel record ECG
- About seven days of registration
- High quality of a signal is comparable to quality of record on the electrocardiograph
- 24 - bit record
- Connection with the computer by means of USB, the SD card and Wi - Fi
- Function of detection of 100 microsec / 40 kHz of impulses of an electrocardiostimulator
- The built - in microphone for voice record
- The LCD display for quality check of a signal
Expanded diagnostic tools:
- Multi - level templates
- Expanded analysis of a rhythm
- Analysis of ST, PQ, QT and VSR
- Analysis of work of an electrocardiostimulator
- Monitoring of activity of the patient
- Relief and Waterfall tools for fast identification
Registration certificate: РК - МТ - 7№011969 of 12.10.2013
It is registered in the register of the state system of ensuring unity of measurements of RK No. KZ.02.02.04279 - 2014 of 30.10.2014.
order No. : C08HOL.016
BTL - 08 electrocardiograph, execution option: BTL - 08 Holter with accessories. Includes: the 3/7/12 - channel registrar - 1 piece, a cable of the patient of 5 wires - 1 piece, a cable of the patient, 10 wires - 1 piece, a cover with 2 fixing belts - 1 piece, the recharged battery - 4 pieces, the SD card 2 GB - 2 pieces, a self - adhesive electrode for adults - 30 pieces, an USB cable - 1 piece, USB the wireless module - 1 piece, USB a hub - for connection of several USB - 1 piece, a perezaryaditel - 1 piece, the device for reading of SD cards - 1 piece, a figurative bag - 1 piece, HW a key - 1 piece, the software.