Industrial technological pipelines Kazakhstan
Found: 8 products
Industrial technological pipelines from Меандр-Актау
In stock
Meandr-Aktau, TOO
Kazakhstan, Aktau
Industrial technological pipelines from Меандр-Актау
In stock
Meandr-Aktau, TOO
Kazakhstan, Aktau
Industrial technological pipelines from Стрела 2002
Wholesale and retail
In stock
Strela 2002, TOO
Kazakhstan, Almaty
Similar goods in Kazakhstan
In stock
Neftetehnika, proizvodstvenno-torgovaya kompaniya
Kazakhstan, Almaty
Underground pipelines from Газкотломонтаж
Wholesale and retail
In stock
Kazakhstan, Uralsk
Submarine pipelines from Газкотломонтаж
Wholesale and retail
Custom order
Kazakhstan, Uralsk
Oil tanks from Полиэтилен-Агро
Wholesale and retail
In stock
Polietilen-Agro, TOO
Kazakhstan, Taraz
Gas storage holders from Нефтетехника
Wholesale and retail
Custom order, 20 days
Neftetehnika, proizvodstvenno-torgovaya kompaniya
Kazakhstan, Almaty
Isolation of oil and gas pipelines, reservoirs from МТекс ТОО
Wholesale and retail
In stock
Kazakhstan, Kostanaj
Cement product pipelines from Златоустовский завод бетоносмесительного оборудования
In stock
Zlatoustovskij zavod betonosmesitelnogo oborudovaniya
Kazakhstan, Astana
Conduits main (underwater and ground-based) from Газкотломонтаж
Wholesale and retail
Custom order
Kazakhstan, Uralsk
In stock
Yugra Invest
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar
In stock
Yugra Invest
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar