- BrandВентпром-Регион
- Country of manufactureRussia
- ColorWhite
Calculation of thermal isolation is one of the most labor - consuming design tasks. Modern requirements for terms and implementation of the project make isolation calculations manually for big projects almost impossible. Even use of albums of standard designs does not allow to provide the required overall performance fully.
The ISOLATION program allows to form completely in the automatic mode a heat - insulating design, to count and generate a leaf of the general data (the sheet of the reference and enclosed documents), the tekhnomontazhny sheet, the sheet of amounts of works (for budget department) and the specification in accordance with GOST 21.405 - 93, GOST 21.110 - 95 and GOST 21.101 - 97.
The program of calculation of isolation is recommended for use in design bureaus and departments at design and reconstruction of the main and technological pipelines and heating systems, the equipment in oil processing, chemical, petrochemical, gas, oil, heat power and other industries making calculation and the choice of thermal isolation of pipelines and the equipment.
Advantages of the choice and calculation of thermal isolation when using the program:
- reduction of time of implementation of the project
- allows to choose thermal isolation on necessary altar cloth that allows to save material
- possibility of carrying out several options of calculation for the choice of the most effective as time is spent only on input of basic data
The possibility of import of data from drafts of the HYDRAULIC SYSTEM program, from system the DBMS project, and also from files of an open format is provided in the ISOLATION program.
Thanks to the thought - over organization of the interface of the user and the built - in documentation with the methodical description development of the program does not demand special training and does not take a lot of time. The program works in the environment of Windows XP/Vista/7.
The ISOLATION program allows to solve the following problems:
- optimum choice of heat - insulating designs and materials
- calculation of minimum necessary thickness of a heat - insulation layer (for a case of one or two materials in a heat - insulation layer),
- selection of standard sizes of products
- calculation of amounts of works and total of materials
- release of project documentation
The program makes calculation of thermal isolation for various types of objects:
- pipelines of land laying and laid in soil (kanalno and beskanalno), including direct sites, branches, transitions, fittings and flange connections;
- pipelines of two - pipe laying (channel and beskanalny), including heating systems;
- different types of the equipment - as standard (pumps, capacities, heat exchangers, etc. ), and difficult compound devices, the including various type of the feedwell, the bottom, the union, hatches and flange connections;
- existence of the warming satellites and electrical heating is considered.
Basic data for calculation of isolation are: type and the extent of the isolated object, its temperature and an arrangement; other data are set by default and can be changed by the user. The geometrical sizes of thermal insulation calculate depending on purpose of isolation, like the isolated object, its sizes, temperature of a product, parameters of environment, characteristics of material of isolation taking into account its consolidation.
The ISOLATION program can make calculation according to the following normative documents:
- Construction Norms and Regulations 41 - 03 - 2003
- The joint venture 61.13330.2012 (the staticized edition Construction Norms and Regulations 41 - 03 - 2003)
- Construction Norms and Regulations 2.04.14 - 88
- HP 34 - 70 - 118 - 87 (For nuclear and thermal power plants)
- TKP 45 - 4.02 - 91 - 2009 (norm of Republic of Belarus)
After isolation calculation the program allows to unpack different types of output documents:
- leaf of the general data
- the tekhnomontazhny sheet for construction division
- the sheet of amounts of works for budget department
- the specification in department of material security in accordance with GOST 21.405 - 93, GOST 21.110 - 95 and GOST 21.101 - 97
The structure day off of information has an open format, and perhaps connections it to the system of document flow which is available at the enterprise. Registration of documentation corresponds to SPDS. The type of the appearing documents can be adjusted to taste.
The ISOLATION program has own database of insulating materials. This database open and flexible on the structure - it allows to look through data on materials and to edit them by means of the convenient editor of the database. Are included in the database as the main, and auxiliary materials, and also their properties, the main producers and the standard sizes made by them, at the same time occurs regular replenishments of the database materials of producers.
Together with the ISOLATION program the following modules are delivered:
- the CTAPC library intended for calculation of heatphysical properties of the transported products for those criteria of calculation at which they are necessary
- the Construction Climatology module, on the basis of data Construction Norms and Regulations 23 - 01 - 99 allows to determine climatic parameters of the settlement where there is an object
- the Sklonyatel module which declines texts of names of materials and the isolated objects for output documents