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Ku2-8 cation exchanger, Karaganda buy in Karaganda
Buy Ku2-8 cation exchanger, Karaganda
Ku2-8 cation exchanger, Karaganda

Ku2-8 cation exchanger, Karaganda

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Ion exchange resin KU - 2 - 8 cation exchanger

GOST 20298 - 74 of Item 1.2 (t.2)

Ion exchange resins are the synthetic high - molecular compounds which are possessing macroporous and three - dimensional gel structure, also carrying the name ionites. The producer offers several kinds of these substances to sale: biopolar, cation - exchange, anion - exchange. Production of ion exchange resins is carried out in the form of small granules, each of which on the are unique. Ability to absorb from surrounding solution of ions of different substances and to give the ions is considered their fundamental property. Thus there is ion exchange. There are types of ion exchange resins which are capable to formation of complex connections, carrying out oxidation reduction reactions that plays important role for the majority of spheres. The ions making the main structure of pitch have polyvalent property. Thanks to them the main framework forms.

Reacting with solution, cation exchange resins (cation exchangers) make exchange of cations; in turn anion - exchange (anion exchangers), therefore, anions. Kationitny pitch is subdivided on strongly and subacid, and anion — on strongly and weak - basic. It allows to pick up that type which approaches under degree of acid bath.

Ku - 2 - 8 is the certain type of pitch relating to highly acid cation exchangers and it is considered polymerization component. Production of cation exchanger is carried out on technology according to state standard specification 20298 - 74. To crown it all, this element has set of merits. KU - 2 - 8 cation exchanger is steady against alkali, is osmotically stable and is not treated to action of oxidizing elements and acids. Water and solvents of organic type are not able to dissolve it. KU - 2 - 8 cation exchanger is steady against many destructive external influences: does not burn, does not melt, does not allocate radioactive, toxic and ozonosoderzhashchy elements, treats unexplosive substances. Granular cation exchanger has several coloring: from darkly brown to light - yellow. The universal remedy of KU - 2 - 8 possesses, in addition, still number of advantages.

Physical properties.
Cation exchanger which production is carried out in the form of granular structure (balls) possesses osmotic stability, resistance to mechanical influences, has certain swelling value at contact with solution, the bulk weight and structure.

Chemical properties.
Excellent indicators of resistance to thermal and chemical influence, volume capacity, acidity, volume of the required reagents at specific degree of exception of water ions.

Range of application.
Production of ion exchange resin has found the extensive application in the most different spheres of the industry. For example, certain types are applied in sewage treatment and preparation of water, in industrial spheres, such as galvanotechnics and hydrometallurgy.

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Ku2-8 cation exchanger, Karaganda
Ku2-8 cation exchanger, Karaganda
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