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- BrandElmi
- Country of manufactureLithuania
- Type mixingOrbital
ØВысокотехнологичные of system for an incubation,
Øобеспечивают heating and cooling,
Øc regulation of humidity and lighting.
For use in the field of researches, developments, and production, in trade activity, for quality control.
Laboratory incubators differ in the unified system of configuration with a possibility of use of a wide set of equipment and accessories for choice.
ØАппараты are delivered in volume from 22 to 707 liters,
Øестественная or forced air circulation,
Øестественный heating and cooling,
Øc controlled humidity and atmosphere of CO2.
Devices are issued in two levels of comfort of service - the standard line and the comfortable line.
A series of laboratory incubators meets requirements to reproducibility and the accuracy of process of change of temperature and other parameters in laboratory incubators following from the quality standards, for example, of ISO 9000 or ISO/17025.
Our laboratory incubators meet requirements imposed to operation in the accredited or certified laboratories.
Camera Øобъём: 22, 48, 55, 111, 150, 170, 222, 404 and 707 liters
Øдиапазон of temperatures: from + 5 °C rate - ry of environment to 99,9 °C is higher
Øдва of level of the main managing automatic equipment: Standard - line, Somfort - line
Øширокий set of equipment and accessories for choice
Øвыход for connection of the printer or the personal computer