Kazakhstan, Almaty
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10 years on Allbiz
Technical characteristics
- KindBasalt wool
Basalt superthin fibers (BSTV) are a layer of the shtapelny fibers with a diameter of 1 - 3 micron mixed and fastened among themselves in the form of a canvas. It is a canvas of quality basalt cotton wool.
The Basalt Thin Fibre (BTF) – a layer of shtapelny fibers of diameters of 4 - 9 microns, 10 - 80 mm long.
On the basis of canvases of BSTV and BTV heat and sound - proof materials are made: mats, proshivny mats, cardboard, soft and rigid plates.
Advantages of basalt superthin and thin fibers
- Basalt fibers are produced only from basalts without impurity of other minerals.
- Have good heat - insulating properties.
- Material absolutely nonflammable, having high thermal stability. Temperature of prolonged use to + 600 °C. Temperature of single (short - term) application is up to 1000 °C.
- Have high chemical resistance and durability of operation.
- High sound - proof characteristics and resistance to vibration.
- Materials from BSTV are produced without application binding or with application of inorganic binding.
- Materials from BSTV do not emit toxic substances when heating or under the influence of an open flame.
- Low hygroscopicity - is 8 times lower, than at fiber glasses.
- High durability of operation even in damp environments.
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Contact the seller
Mats proshivny of basalt superthin BSTV-2, BSTV-3 fiber (on a grid) 2000*1000, = 60-120 mm
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