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Meal sunflower buy in Pavlodar
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Meal sunflower

Meal sunflower

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Kazakhstan, Pavlodar
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67% of positive reviews from 6
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Technical characteristics
  • ManufacturerАгроснаб
  • FeedstockSunflower
  • Country of manufactureKazakhstan
Sunflower meal - valuable forage as a part of which 30–43% of crude protein, rich set of amino acids, in particular high content of methionine which favorably influences growth and development of young growth contain. In comparison with cake in meal there is slightly more crude protein, but it is less than fat – no more than 1,5% . The husk content makes no more than 16% (cakes and without pod are issued).

Meal of sunflower is scarce on lysine, but unlike other cakes practically does not contain anti - nutritive matters. The Arabinoksilanovy index of sunflower meal in relation to soy makes 117 that provides digestibility of protein, high in comparison with other protein feeds of phytogenesis (78 - 80% ). Content of vitamin B in sunflower meal is much higher, than in soy. Sunflower meal is rich niatsiny, Riboflavinum, sincaline, biotin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine. In addition to it sunflower meal is excellent source of vitamin E.

From the factors limiting use of sunflower meal (cake) it is possible to call chlorogene and cinchonic acids which level makes 1,56 and 0,48% respectively, and cellulose.

Negative effect of high doses of chlorogene acid is shown in inhibition of trypsin and lipase therefore level it should not exceed 1% . Inclusion in methionine diet in addition to norm prevents negative action of excess of chlorogene acid.

Sunflower meal scopes:

It is applied on the fodder purposes of animals, birds, fishes. It is used in pure form, and also as additive in compound feed. Contains up to 43% of digestible protein. Sunflower meal increases productivity of animals, improves quality of livestock products. Increases the content of fat in milk and daily yield of milk of cows.

Broiler chickens:

Sunflower meal finds broad application in feeding of bird. The day age begins to use these raw materials for chickens from 7 - 14. Big advantage of sunflower meal is its resistance to defeat by mycotoxins, and, therefore, and the minimum possibility of damage connected with risk factors which accompany sunflower meal to a lesser extent, than other forages. For poultry farming meal with smaller amount of pod has feeding value.

Laying hens:

When feeding laying hens by sterns on the basis of sunflower meal with the high level of cellulose (20% ), it was expressed in considerable reduction of consumption of forage and day set of weight.

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