Mechanotherapeutic MOTOmed exercise machines
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The therapeutic devices MOTOmed are developed on the basis of the latest computer technologies and are the innovation, high - quality German product.
MOTOmed system - Therapy by the Movement is recommended at the following diseases: multiple sclerosis, muscular contractures, paralysis at cross damage of a spinal cord, Parkinson's illness, a stroke, a children's cerebral palsy, craniocereberal injuries, traumatic damages of a spinal cord and a musculoskeletal system, and also other neurologic diseases at which restrictions in the movements of hands and legs, the increased spasticity are observed.
Mechanotherapy and occupations on the MOTOMED exercise machine are carried out by performance of cyclic rotary motions by both upper, and lower extremities, different on nature of muscular contraction (the direction of rotation and degree of active effort), rate of performance and duration. The operating control behind quality and a dosage of exercises is carried out with use of parameters of biocontrol: amplitude and speed of rotation, level of resistance to rotation, direction of rotation, symmetry of performance of the movement.
Trenazheryseriya MOTOmed:
MOTOmed gracile 12. The children's combined exercise machine. It is developed especially for children's use. Features: interpedal distance of only 15 cm, adjustment of height of a pedal axis from 26 to 46 cm. It is universal in the use with different wheelchairs.
MOTOmed viva 1. Its basic model is equipped with all innovation functions, with a possibility of expansion from compact basic model to a full - fledged kombitrenazher, for training of upper and lower extremities.
MOTOmed viva 2. The combined exercise machine, is supplied with the color Russified display with wide function keys. Biologically feedback and analysis of training.
MOTOmed letto. Is the safest exercise machine for lying patients. Has the same modes of training, as exercise machines of the viva 1 and viva 2 series. Indications to use: coma; post - operational treatment; postinsultny rehabilitation, etc.