No. 4 SIB for dignity. tank. water analysis by membrane method (2 tests, 50 opr)
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No. 4 SIB for dignity. tank. water analysis by membrane method (2 tests, 50 opr)
Representatives of Enterobacteriaceae family - gram - negative not forming dispute and mikrotsist thin sticks of the average size, free of the inclusions having diagnostic value, possessing and not possessing capsule, mobile peritrikh (except for Tatumella) or motionless. Nekislotoustoychiva. Optional anaerobe bacterias, well grow on usual culture mediums. Energy is received by membrane and respiratory phosphorylation. Katalazopolozhitelna (with rare exception, for example, S. dysenteriae) and in most cases of oksidazonegativna. Show enzymatic activity concerning carbohydrates (ferment them to acid or to acid and gas), polyatomic alcohol, organic acids and their salts, amino acids. Nitrates reduce in nitrites, except for some strains of Erwinia and Yersinia. Enzymatic reactions are the basis for differentiation of enterobakteriya on childbirth, types and subspecies.Two representatives of enterobakteriya - E. coli and K. pneumoniae - are among the bacteria which are indicators of development of resistance to antimicrobic preparations in Europe.
The majority of enterobakteriya are undemanding to culture mediums and well grow on plain nutritious agar, blood agar and other culture mediums. However their isolation from the materials rich with other microflora, can be complicated and demands application of special environments. For cultivation of these bacteria differential and diagnostic culture mediums with lactose most were widely adopted: they are universal as they allow to allocate the vast majority of types of enterobakteriya, differentiating the grown colonies on ability to ferment lactose.
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No. 4 SIB for dignity. tank. water analysis by membrane method (2 tests, 50 opr)