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Pad without KT-19.25 clip

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Kazakhstan, Shymkent
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12 years on Allbiz
Today at a variety of the market of laboratory equipment it is very difficult to find the partner capable to offer more full range of the goods and services meeting all quality standards in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Reaktivsnab company of already 11 years successfully works in the field of complex equipment of laboratories of the industrial enterprises of fuel and energy complex, metallurgy, construction, the mining and food industries, and today we are one of the leading suppliers of the difficult analytical equipment, laboratory furniture, expendables, chemical reactants for chemical analysis laboratories, laboratory quality control, and we are also a supplier of large - capacity reagents for production. Our company dynamically develops in the territory of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries that gives us the chance to provide today the fullest complex of services in equipment of laboratories, and also laboratory chemical and radiological analyses of objects of environment, the soil, water and air our accredited laboratory.
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