Kazakhstan, Pavlodar
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7 years on Allbiz
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Paronite of PMB of 0,4 mm of 1000х1500 BZATI
Besides that asbotkan is a material which is not afraid of fire, it has a weight more useful the properties doing it demanded in industrial spheres.
Main properties of asbestos cloth:
- Thermal stability;
- High heat - insulating properties;
- Lack of harmful evaporations when heating that gives the chance to use this material in food branch;
- Durability;
- High operational qualities. Products on the basis of asbestos are effectively used for decades;
- Firmness;
- Ability to keep the available properties, despite increase in temperature indicators;
- Availability, production cost, low in comparison with similar materials.
Being absolutely safe industrial material which successfully passed all tests and checks, asbestos cloth is implemented under conditions of optimum favorable ratio of the price and quality.
For what asbestos cloth is used:
- For production of the rubberized fabrics, and also designs for the industrial equipment;
- Thanks to the heat - insulating qualities, material is used for tailoring of heat - shielding products, overalls.
Asbotkan it is used in such spheres as construction and repair branch, production and the industry of the different directions and levels.
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Paronite of PMB of 0,4 mm of 1000х1500 BZATI