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PGVA cable buy in Pavlodar
Buy PGVA cable
PGVA cable

PGVA cable

In stock
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Kazakhstan, Pavlodar
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75% of positive reviews from 4
Technical characteristics
  • BrandКазэнергокабель
  • Country of manufactureKazakhstan

Wires are automobile

This group includes wires with copper veins, with polyvinylchloride isolation, the electric equipments of cars, tractors and motorcycles intended for connections.

Wires of brands of PVA and PGVA are intended for operation at a tension direct current till 48 Century. Wires have the continuous or combined coloring. Colors of isolation: white (natural), yellow, orange, red (Bordeaux), pink, blue (blue), green, brown, gray, black, violet. Range of sections of wires of PGVA and PGVAE makes 0,20-95 mm2, PVA - to 35 mm2, PGVAB - to 10 mm2.

For specification of more detailed information and the price of goods the PGVA Cable contact our experts.

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PGVA cable
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