Kazakhstan, Almaty
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13 years on Allbiz
Technical characteristics
- BrandOmega Plasto
- Country of manufactureIndia
- ColorWhite
Material for production of films (especially packing), bags, a container, pipes, details of the technical equipment, household goods, nonwoven fabrics, etc. ; electroinsulating material, in construction for vibro - and noise isolations of interfloor overlappings in systems "floating floor". At copolymerization of propylene with ethylene receive uncrystallizable copolymers which show the properties of rubber differing in the increased chemical firmness and resistance to aging. For vibro - and thermal insulations it is also widely applied penopolipropilen (PPP). It is close according to characteristics to a penopolietilen. Also the decorative extrusive profiles from PPP replacing expanded polystyrene meet.
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