Power supply unit of Minik 1102 In stockPrice:9500 KZTBuyContact supplierPayment:Cash,Invoice paymentIn detailShipping:Customer pickup,CourierIn detailAdd to selectedCompareSellerA Tehcentr Plyus, IPKazakhstan, Almaty(View map) +7(7 Display phones Company rating67% of positive reviews from 31111 years on AllbizDescriptionPower supply unit of Minik of 1102 - 9 W and 12 W Similar company productsRechargeable battery 6V3,2AHRechargeable Battery 6V1.3AHPower supply unit of Minik 1102BatteryThe Mercury power supply unit - 09UZRechargeable Battery (joint stock bank) 6V3,2AHContact the sellerPower supply unit of Minik 1102 Full namePhoneE-mailCaptcha (4 characters)I agree with privacy policies, regarding confidential data and user agreementMessage We recommend to see Power units Units of a uninterrupted feed Batteries Stabilizers UPS Uninterruptible power supplies Uninterrupted power supply units Systems of automatic power supply Power supply units Shipping methodPayment method