Rehabilitation and cardiac treadmill AXELERO
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- BrandAspasia LTD
- Country of manufactureKazakhstan
Rehabilitation and Heart runningtrackAXELERO
Rehabilitation and Heart running
track version Cardio, designed to work with
popular protocols, compliant
load testing procedures. Allows control
predetermined patient load during load
tests. track for cardiac rehabilitation is controlled with the control unit via a serial interface adapting the speed and the angle or/ swipe belt to the requirements of the implemented exercise (stress test, stress test). This professional medical track
adapted for cardiac rehabilitation
so and for training.
·system progressively increasing speed of 0.8 km/h to a predetermined value
·speed range tapes from 0.8 to 25 km/h
·range lifting belt angles - 0-25%
·length of the working part of the belt - 140 cm
·width of the belt used - 52 cm
·Stabilization tape speed in the full load range of the actuator 1 B6CC86911405CFA18B18E16A613D7B5
·Smooth and quiet work full speed range of the belt
·Easily available safety switch that allows manual off device and drive
·RS232 serial port for external control
·Pe iatricheskie rudders (optional)