Rent of a hydrohammer in Almaty, services of a hydrohammer
Services of a hydrohammer in Almaty
- destruction of concrete
- reinforced concrete designs
- tunnel works
- destruction of strong materials
- concrete dismantle
- dismantle of a support
The hydrohammer is the replaceable hinged equipment installed on the excavator instead of the removed ladle and connected to hydraulic system of the excavator. At destruction of buildings and constructions the main amount of works on dismantle of concrete is carried out by hydraulic hammers. Replacement of a ladle by a hydrohammer is made very easily and quickly. Let's illustrate this statement on an example. As a rule, several excavators participate in destruction of the building, and at one as a hinge plate the ladle, and at others - a hydrohammer is used. However if only one excavator which as required is quickly changing a hinge plate works at the place of dismantle of concrete it will practically not be reflected in the speed of performance of work. Except excavators, the hydrohammer can be established on hydraulic excavators, and also loaders, manipulators, stationary glyborazbivochny installations and other gidrofitsirovanny cars.
Replaceable working tools of a hydrohammer are conical peak, cross and longitudinal wedges, a chisel and a trambovochny plate. Performance of different types of works requires individual selection of the replaceable tool. For example, if it is required to carry out concrete dismantle by a hydrohammer or to open asphalt, then the leading role in shock destruction of such solid materials will belong to a wedge, a chisel and dive. If it is necessary to condense, on the contrary, friable soil, then as the replaceable tool already trambovochny plate will be used.
The hydrohammer is irreplaceable by production of the most different construction, tunnel, road and other types of works. By means of a hydrohammer it is possible to destroy concrete and reinforced concrete designs, to open asphalt, to split up rocky breeds, to carry out a non-explosive driving of excavations, loosening of frozen breeds, ice and packed materials and vice versa - consolidation of friable soil. One more scope of a hydrohammer - opening of the most different underground communications, such as gas pipelines, thermal highways or telephone pipelines.
Services of a hydrohammer in Almaty - destruction of concrete, reinforced concrete designs; tunnel works; destruction of strong materials; concrete dismantle; dismantle of a support
Services of special equipment in Almaty — quickly, qualitatively and reliably!
+7 777 222 0 444
+7 (727) 328 58 17
Alexander Kalachev