Rice groats - Best Indian Basmati Rice 25 кг.Products from producerIn stockReconfirm the price with sellerContact supplierShipping:Customer pickup,CourierIn detailAdd to selectedCompareSellerMIR. ChAJKazakhstan, Almaty(View map)Quickly responds Technical characteristicsWeight25 kgRice varietyBasmati rice Contact the sellerRice groats - Best Indian Basmati Rice 25 кг.Full namePhoneE-mailCaptcha (4 characters)I agree with privacy policies, regarding confidential data and user agreementI agree to receive offers from other companiesMessage We recommend to see Multi cereal porridges Lentils crop Rye groats Manna-croup Buckwheat grain Corn grits Oat groats Pearl barley Wheat groats Millet grits Rice groats Barley crushed Shipping method