Products of other enterprises
Technical characteristics
- Country of manufactureRussia
- Type of rollersSmooth (for asphalt)
- Number of rolls2
Road skating rink of dvukhvaltsovy sidewalk 3 t
Here you will find only qualitative production. We offer buyers the convenient scheme of direct deliveries.without run, the weight of 3 t, length-width-height of 2.5 - 1.4 - 3.2 meters, dvukhvaltsovy, width of rollers of 1.2 m, we will bring to order 10 dn, the Guarantee, service
Quantity of rollers: dvukhvaltsovy; Quantity of axes: two-axis; Manufacturing Country: Russia; Type of a valets: smooth; Operation: new
Contact the seller
Road skating rink of dvukhvaltsovy sidewalk 3

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