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- Country of manufactureRussia
The sorbent from crumb diatomaceous is 100% the natural, pollution - free inert material which is not entering interaction with the majority of aggressive environments (acids, organic solvents, alcohols, etc. ) and therefore it can be used for elimination of floods of all nomenclature of liquids.
Process of elimination of floods consists in absorption of liquids, the sorbent filled in them. The sorbent saturated with aggressive and flammable liquids is ecologically safe material. The quantity of necessary sorbent depends on attenuation range of different liquids product.
The used product easily gathers from the Earth's surface by means of the elementary tools, devices or mechanisms and is stored in dumps, at the same time the liquids absorbed by sorbent are practically not washed away to the soil by atmospheric precipitation.
According to physical and chemical characteristics the sorbent is close to the material "OILDRY" similar to destination ("Oildry Comp. of America", USA). "OILDRY" is used for elimination of oil spills on the largest automobile works and in the firms which are engaged in repair and service of cars.
Polypropylene bags, with a capacity of 20 kg, μR (big - beg) on 200 or 400 kg.
Settlement information for the order: 1 CBM - about 500 kg
The sorbent is issued the following fractions:
0, 3 - 0, 7mm; 0, 8 - 2, 0mm; 1, 0 - 4, 0mm, 3, 0 - 6, 0 mm