STH hendecane for hromatogr. (3 ml)
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STH hendecane for hromatogr. (3 ml)
2 (61 °C)
10 (75,1 °C)
15 (81 °C)
40 (104,6 °C)
100 (127,9 °C)
400 (171,4 °C)
Synonyms: gendekan
Gross - formula (system Hilla): C11H24
Molecular weight (in a. e. m. ): 156,31
Melting temperature (in °C): - 25,6
Boiling temperature (in °C): 195,9
Solubility (in / 100 or the characteristic):
water: it is not solublePlotnost: 0,741 (20 °C, g/cm3)
Index of refraction (for the D - line of sodium): 1,4184 (20 °C)
Pressure of vapors (in mm Hg):
1 (37 °C)2 (61 °C)
10 (75,1 °C)
15 (81 °C)
40 (104,6 °C)
100 (127,9 °C)
400 (171,4 °C)
Additional information:
Theoretically perhaps 159th structural isomer with such number of atoms.
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STH hendecane for hromatogr. (3 ml)