Systems of video surveillance and control of access
The design and assembly Company ESN FIRE LLP carries out:
• Design, installation, commissioning, programming, service and maintenance of systems analog, IP - video surveillances, monitoring systems access, control and management systems for access;
• Design, installation, commissioning, service and maintenance of systems of automatic pozharotusheniya:gazovy fire extinguishing, foamy fire extinguishing, water fire extinguishing;
• Design, installation, commissioning of the technological pipeline, pump fire extinguishing and ring water supply, including on objects raised the fire danger: oil depots, gas station and oil refineries;
• Design, installation commissioning, programming, service and maintenance of systems security alarm systems, disturbing, fire alarm system, automatic fire alarm system;
• Installation and maintenance of cylinders (vessels) working under pressure;
• Carrying out high-rise works;
• Works to 1000 V;
We work across all Kazakhstan.