It is intended for adaptation of newborns and care of them in maternity blocks, chambers of an intensive care and intensive care units of newborns, and also for recovery of their vital signs.
It is applied in treatment - and - prophylactic medical institutions.
Technical characteristics:
Overall dimensions, mm, no more:
height in the lower provision of a bed – 1950;
height in the upper provision of a bed – 2000;
length - 1100, width (the heater module in central position) - the 710th height of a bed from a floor (to an upper surface of a matrasik);
mm: in the lower situation - 950±5;
in upper situation - 1000±5, the Weight, kg, no more – 120;
Power supplies:
Electric alternating current main:
tension, V. - 198 … 243,8 frequency, Hz - 50±1 or 60±1 power consumptions, VA, no more than 700;
The bringing oxygen highway (or an oxygen cylinder) pressure, kPa (kgf / kv. sm) - 500 … 700(5 … 7);
Temperature characteristics, °C: regulation temperature range (the established temperature). - 35,0 … 37,9;
Temperature range displayed by the indicator;
SKIN TEMPERATURE - 30,0 … 39,9 maximum deviation of indications of the indicator; SKIN TEMPERATURE from the established regulation temperature (at stationary temperature condition and horizontal position of a bed. ±0,5) an error of the channel of measurement of temperature of skin ±0,3 maximum deviation of average temperature in any of peripheral points of a matrasik from average temperature in its central point ±2,0;
Range of regulation of concentration of oxygen under a neonatal cap, % . 40 … 95. Maximum tilt angle of a bed ±10 °;
The fixed heater module tilt angles around a vertical axis ± (65±5) °; The Most allowed time of continuous work, p 72;
The maximum density of infrared radiation in any point of a matrasik, MW/cm, no more: in all infrared range of a range 60 in the closest infrared range of a range 60 in the near infrared range of a range (760 … 1400 nanometers) 10.