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TVS-200 scales (to 200 kg) (to 60 kg), Almaty buy in Almaty
Buy TVS-200 scales (to 200 kg) (to 60 kg), Almaty
TVS-200 scales (to 200 kg) (to 60 kg), Almaty

TVS-200 scales (to 200 kg) (to 60 kg), Almaty

In stock
114800 KZT
Kazakhstan, Almaty
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TVS - 200 scales (to 200 kg) with the built - in Size of the Platform 40 Cm by 51 of Cm accumulator (400 * 510)

TVS - 200 scales (to 200 kg) with the built - in accumulator
The size of the platform is 40 cm by 51 cm (400 * 510)
Commodity scales of TB - S
We offer you new desktop and bathroom scales with the autonomous food and the big LCD indicator with illumination
Scales commodity with the increased TB - S - A2 platform

Electronic commodity scales of TB - S with the autonomous food are intended for weighing of different loads at accounting and technology transactions at industrial and trade enterprises. These desktop and bathroom scales have the increased accuracy, expanded temperature range and the possibility of long work from the built - in accumulator.

Commodity scales of TB - S have 3 options of execution, the figurative TB - S - A2 model is of special interest. Desktop and bathroom scales of TB - S allow to work in several modes of weighing and have the possibility of connection to RS.

Commodity scales of TB - S_A2 can be used as desktop scales with the increased platform.

* the Big LCD indicator with three modes of background illumination;
* Work from the built - in accumulator till 56 o'clock;
* Working area of temperatures from - 20 to + 40 degrees;
* the Increased accuracy - two ranges of weighing;
* the Weight platform is executed according to the class of protection IP67


* Summing of results of weighing;
* Calculating mode;
* Dozatorny mode;
* Percentage weighing;
* the Possibility of connection to PC (RS - 232 interface);
* Options:

- the food cable (5 m) with the socket for the CAR lighter

- the lengthening cable (5 m) from the platform to the indicator


Contact the seller
TVS-200 scales (to 200 kg) (to 60 kg), Almaty
TVS-200 scales (to 200 kg) (to 60 kg), Almaty
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