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The vacuum station "ARLANVAC" is intended for creation and maintenance in the set range of vakuummetrichesky pressure in the centralized system of medical gas supply.
Technical characteristics:
The product represents the automated complex of technical means for creation of vacuum consisting from not less than two vacuum pumps, not less than two vacuum receivers, the block of the filtering elements with the line a bypass, and also the control unit.
Technical parameters:
- productivity of station, m3/h: from 20 to 300;
- range of vakuummetrichesky pressure, kPa: - 80 - 60;
- volume of a receiver, m3: (0,3 - 0,6) h2;
- power supply (in/Hz): 380/50.
* Delivery set:
- vacuum pump, piece: 2 - 3;
- vacuum receiver, piece: 2;
- the block of filtrational elements, to - t: 1;
- automatic control unit, piece: 1.
* upon the demand of the customer