Waterproofing at Low prices, the Penetron, Penekrit, Peneplag, Penetron Admiks, Vaterplag
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DESCRIPTION. Dry construction mix consists of special cement, quartz sand of a certain granulometriya, the patented active chemical additives.
APPOINTMENT. The penetron is applied to a waterproofing of surfaces of the national teams and monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete designs. Raises indicators of water tightness, durability, frost resistance of concrete. Protects a design from influence of hostile environment: acids, alkalis, waste and ground waters, sea water. It is used for a waterproofing of the surfaces having a time and cracks with a disclosure width no more 0,4mm. |
Attention! For a waterproofing of cracks with a width of disclosure more than 0,4 mm, seams, joints, interfaces, adjunctions, inputs of communications Penekrit in combination with the Penetron is applied.
Advantages of the getting waterproofing the Penetron
Why the getting waterproofing is the most progressive and technological method of protection of concrete against adverse effect of water today?
- The getting waterproofing is not subject to mechanical wear as concrete possesses the waterproofing properties. Service life of a waterproofing is equal to concrete service life, and at the expense of a concrete waterproofing this term increases.
- Use of the getting waterproofing more technologically. There is no need to completely dry concrete. Thanks to the getting properties of the Penetron, the concrete design can be processed from any party, in other words when processing the base there is no need to dig out it.
- The getting waterproofing the Penetron possesses unique properties of self-curing of through cracks, a time and other defects which inevitably appear on any concrete designs at operation, with disclosure no more than 0,5 mm. If water begins to filter into the new formed time of concrete, then growth of crystals is resumed.
- The penetron gives gradual increase of water tightness of concrete to W20 (2 MPas) and above, for example, at test for water tightness of concrete samples with a waterproofing additive the Penetron with effect of self-curing of cracks happens increase in brand on water tightness to W4 to W10 in the next 28 days and from W14 to W20 within 90 days.
- The penetron does not influence the key physical parameters of concrete mix: mobility, durability, skhvatyvaniye terms etc., except for water tightness. The concrete processed by the Penetron keeps vapor permeability.
The company material Penetron will help even with those conditions when other dry construction mixes do not cope. So, as it was already noted in a basis of effect of the company waterproofing material Penetron, other principle is underlain absolutely. Usually the waterproofing has superficial character. Applying surface waterproofing materials on the concrete plane we create the certain protective layer interfering water penetration.
The principle of action of the getting waterproofing the Penetron
When drawing on damp concrete of liquid solution of material for the getting waterproofing "Penetron" on a surface is created high chemical potential, at the same time the internal structure of concrete keeps low chemical potential. Osmosis seeks to level a difference of potentials; there is osmotic pressure. Thanks to presence of osmotic pressure active chemical components of the material "Penetron" get deeply into structure of concrete. The humidity of concrete structure is higher, the more effectively there is a process of penetration of active chemical components into depth of concrete. This process proceeds both at positive, and with a negative pressure of water. Depth of penetration of active chemical components of the material "Penetron" by the continuous front reaches several tens centimeters.
Unique properties of the getting waterproofing
Materials of the getting action of the Penetron system possess a number of the unique properties doing their use by the simply and effective.
- the materials Penetron are applied on a damp surface; preliminary drying of a surface is not required that considerably reduces expenses when working
- the technology of performance of waterproofing works with use of materials of the Penetron system does not demand difficult, long and expensive procedure of preparation of a surface
- materials of the Penetron system are simple in use
Chemical firmness of concrete after application of the getting waterproofing
Chemical firmness and anticorrosive properties of concrete after application of the getting waterproofing the Penetron.
Scope of the getting waterproofing the Penetron
Waterproofing of surfaces of the national teams and monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete designs including plastered by cement and sand solution. "Penetron" is applied together with "Penekrit" to cutting off of a capillary suction at the broken waterproofing. "Penetron" is applied as auxiliary material at a waterproofing of cracks, seams, joints, interfaces, adjunctions, inputs of communications in combination with "Penekrit" and to elimination of pressure head leaks in combination with "Peneplag" and "Vaterplag".
FEATURES. Material is ecologically pure, is radioactive is safe. It is allowed for application in economic and drinking water supply. It is certified for application in construction.
Use of the material "Penetron" allows to prevent penetration of water through a concrete body even in the presence of high hydrostatic pressure. Use of material allows to protect concrete from influence of hostile environment: acids, waste and ground waters, sea water. The concrete processed by "Penetron" gains resistance to influence of carbonates, chlorides, sulfates, nitrates and so forth. Application of "Penetron" allows to raise indicators of water tightness, durability, frost resistance of concrete which remain even in the presence of high radiative effects.